Unearth proven coders for your clients

The tech in technical recruiting

Recruit coders as you always wished you could

Find out who is the best fit for your clents – test their skills

  • Lots of tests
  • 30+ programming languages tested
  • Database and Open Source project testing (coming soon)
  • Create your own tests and use your own production code * beta
  • 5 categories of test difficulty
    • Easy
    • Medium
    • Difficult
    • Hard
    • Expert – for specific use cases
  • Schedule rounds of tests to occur – without needing a click from you
  • Introducing : continuous recruitment
  • Interview online with your panel
  • Collaborative code and text editor
  • Helpful developer insights
  • ... and more, read on ...
The tech in technical recruiting
Book a demo

Tools to help you and your clients find that provenCoder

<script src="//provenCoder.com/scripts/editor.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
    var options = {
                    'key': 'your-api-key', 
                    'version': '1', 
                    'initialiseEditor': true, 
                    'target': 'targetDiv'
    var handler = provenEditor.configure(options);
provenCoder - the easiest way to find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers provenCoder - the easiest way to find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers provenCoder - code score and histories help find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers provenCoder - inspect code and find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers

Use our plugin to make provenCoder part of your website

Just include 3 lines of code and deploy coder testing on your own website

  • Test and interview developers in the browser – from your website

  • No white labelling, no loss of brand or identity

  • Fully secure

  • Customise to look and feel like part of your site

<script src="//provenCoder.com/scripts/editor.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
    var options = {
                    'key': 'your-api-key', 
                    'version': '1', 
                    'initialiseEditor': true, 
                    'target': 'targetDiv'
    var handler = provenEditor.configure(options);

Code challenges that find the best coders

  • Look at how each candidate is performing – code accuracy, quality and speed.

  • Examine their previous test histories and results

  • View contributions to GitHub, StackOverFlow and open source projects etc.

provenCoder - the easiest way to find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers

See the code each candidate wrote – as they wrote it

  • Look at the candidate's code from first moment to last.

  • Step back through the code to any moment in time.

  • See the candidate's code each time they run it.

  • Look at errors, warnings and output each time their code is run.

provenCoder - the easiest way to find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers

Candidate histories

View the candidate's previous test history and publicly available work

  • See how the candidate has performed in other tests.

  • Plus and Enterprise plans include:

    • Analysis of code across the 5 tiers of test difficulty.

    • Analysis of code from public repositories such as Github, BitBucket etc.

provenCoder - code score and histories help find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers

Detailed code test results analysis

Get a detailed breakdown of the candidate's code score

  • Accuracy.

  • Quality.

  • Speed.

  • Rating given by each reviewer with comments and notes.

provenCoder - inspect code and find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers
The tech in technical recruiting
See for yourself

Features that make your search for a provenCoder easy

Interview online – with a code test as the topic

One of the most insightful parts of recruiting is seeing how a candidate analyses a problem, how they structure a solution, the questions they ask and how they react to problems or challenges as they occur.

Interview candidates online with provenCoder.

  • Full audiovisual capability in the browser.

  • Have an interview panel as large as you wish (or your bandwidth supports).

  • Keep notes and bookmark parts of the interview for later review.

  • Use the shared code editor to change or contribute to the candidate's code.

provenCoder - the easiest way to find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers

Objective results – with room for subjective rating

Our code test results are entirely objective, measuring the candidate's code accuracy, speed and quality.

provenCoder also allows a subjective element, reviewers can add their own scores for each heading: accuracy, speed and quality. Individual ratings are accompanied with explanatory notes and comments

provenCoder - test performance and history help you find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers

Schedule rounds of technical tests

Our scheduling template makes it easy to find the best candidates.

  • Create as many test rounds as you wish.

  • Assign tests of increasing difficulty for each round of tests.

  • Automatically select the highest scoring percentage (or number of candidates) to proceed to the next round.

  • Add online interviews as part of later rounds .

  • Create as many schedule templates as you like and use one of them anytime you are recruiting.

provenCoder - code score and histories help find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers

Use our plugin to make provenCoder part of your website

Just include 3 lines of code and deploy coder testing on your own website

  • No white labelling, no loss of brand or identity

  • Fully secure

  • Customize to look and feel like part of your site

provenCoder - inspect code and find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers

Templates – for scheduling, logins & communication with candidates

We provide a full suite of templates

  • Personalise all communication with candidates, address them by name, include your company logo etc.

  • Personalised login for each test e.g. personally welcome each candidate

  • Get across your messaging to each candidate e.g. why they might want to work with your company

provenCoder - inspect code and find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers
provenCoder - the easiest way to find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers provenCoder - test performance and history help you find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers provenCoder - code score and histories help find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers provenCoder - inspect code and find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers provenCoder - inspect code and find proven coders, developers, hackers, engineers

More Features

ATS Intergration

Integrate each step of the testing process with your Applicant Tracking System using webhooks

Plagiarism Protection

Get notified if the candidate has plagiarised their answer

BYO Code

Create your own tests and use your own production/development code

Continuous Recruitment

Why wait until you have a vacancy to start recruiting? Use provenCoder to search for proven talent all year round

The tech in technical recruiting
Take a trial – it's free

All major programming languages
Java, Objective-C, C#, Php, Ruby, Node.js, Python 2 and earlier, Python 3, C (gcc), C++ (gcc), Perl, Javascript, Lisp, C (clang), C++ (clang), D, F#, Go, Haskell, Lua, Nasm, Octave, Pascal, Prolog, R, Scala, Scheme, Tcl, Vb.Net, Visual C, Visual C++, Erlang, Cobol, Fortran 95, Ada, Clojure, OCaml, Forth, Groovy, Julia, Rust, Swift.

Yes — even Cobol


Testing all popular environments ...

Some of the most popular databases (coming soon)
Microsoft SQL Server, Cassandra, Mongo DB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQl, Redis, SQLite (with more to come)

Open Source projects (coming soon)
Elastic Search, Lucene, OpenCV, Solr, Spark (with more to come)

Plus ... * beta
Create your own tests
Use your own production code

The tech in technical recruiting

See for yourself

All in one technical recruiting solution

Request a demo

Get in touch and we will schedule a demo of provenCoder tailored to your specific needs

Start a trial

Try out the provenCoder experience, challenge up to 6 coders free. No credit card necessary.


Send us on your questions and we will get back to you as soon as is humanly possible


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