
Accuracy and Quality do matter
The tech in technical recruiting
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Our Mission

Simply put, our aim is to make the software engineer/coder/developer hiring process a subjective an objective one.

The current hiring processes have evolved, and indeed improved, over time yet there is plenty of evidence from blog posts, articles, discussions etc. that people are not overly confident with results – from both the hiring and candidate perspective. We feel that, particularly in an era of coder shortages that is unlikely to improve in the near future, we can help companies focus on what really matters – the candidates ability to write accurate, high quality maintainable code.

I'm fed up of going through endless CV's
only to discover that often what looked like a promising candidate doesn't have the skills we need

provenCoder is here to bring the candidates ability to the forefront of the hiring process. We really believe in an inclusive hiring process, gender, race, age, qualifications should not matter – it is the persons ability to write highly accurate, quality maintainable code in a timely fashion that is worth highlighting.

The Team

David McCarthy

Business Development

David has 3 children and 2 dogs vying for his affection ... or is it 2 children and ....

Pastimes include golf, tennis and very unconventional bridge. David was previously a regional representative in tennis, plays golf off a handicap of 9 and plays bridge like stud poker.

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David McCarthy

Business Development

David looks after the sales and customer relationship side of the house.

David, or 'Mac' to at least one of his friends, has a background in telecoms and a lifetime in sales.

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Damien Mulley

Proven Marketer

The list of interests is far too varied and extensive to list here – let's settle on Dr Who.

Damien is finding his feet again after a break with profanity for the calendar year 2016. It would be foolhardy to poke that bear much further.

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Damien Mulley

Proven Marketer

Damien is our guiding hand in all things marketing, digital and otherwise, and a purveyour of commonsense.

Its unlikely that Mr Mulley needs any further introduction – so we won't .

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Sean Kelleher

Lead/Senior Developer

Sean is into swing dancing (swing – no, not what you think), Japan, Lego, Origami and a host of other things too numerous to mention

There's just 2 devs in the company so the battle is on for who is the lead and who is the senior. If you knew us, you'd know the answer.

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Sean Kelleher

Lead/Senior Developer

There's just 2 devs in the company so the battle is on for who is the lead and who is the senior. If you knew us, you'd know the answer.

Sean is into swing dancing (swing – no, not what you think), Japan, Lego, Origami ...

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Patri Guillin

Ux/UI Developer

Patri has previously worked in a team managing the Real Madrid account, as Barca fans not sure how we feel about that.

One of Patri's more unusual talents is a passion for tidying and cleaning up so if you need any help, see below.

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Patri Guillin

UX/UI Developer

Patri is responsible for making the site look pretty and usable – but mostly pretty.

Originally for Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Patri's interests are solely going out and being warm.

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Kieran Logan

CTO & Founder

Sport of any hue (except rugby), avid reader, wildly diverse taste in music, art for art sake, movies.

Fav book: The Grapes of Wrath.
Fav Movie: Rear Window
Three Colors: Red
Music: depends on the day, time and mood

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Kieran Logan

CTO & Founder

It is entirely inappropriate to write you own bio.

Stack includes Python, .Net C#, Javascript ES6 and beyond, HTML5, design and an interest in Go (lang). Even mastered a little Cobol - don't ask why.

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Dee Kelleher

Accounts & Legal stuff

Deirdre has recently completed a Masters in Law along with her job and being a new mother. The rowing career has been put on hold.

Dee is mum to the best (and most beautiful) baby girl in the whole wide world* – yep, the whole wide world .

* Independently verified by family and friends

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Dee Kelleher

Accounts & Legal stuff

Somebody has to do the accounts, one of lifes more interesting pursuits. Deirdre set out in life to be a lion tamer, which is far more exciting, but settled eventually for accounting. (No apologies made for Monthy Python references).

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Let's Keep In Touch!

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