
Our thanks to the amazing tech community

A lot of perspiration and inspiration has gone into the creation of this site. It would have taken a lot longer and involved many more swear words were it not for the amazing work of some exceptionally talented people.

We have benefited greatly from their work which has given us inspiration, ready to use plugins and many other things which are impossible to list without this sentence going on forever. Instead, we have carved out an area of this site to offer up thanks (and links)


(in no particular order)

Component Details

Waypoints is the easiest way to trigger a function when you scroll to an element.
Caleb Troughton
We used it here: [^]


Type some code with typed.js.
Matt Boldt
We used it here: [^]


Secure tunnels to localhost.
Alan Shreve
ngrok is great, demo from your development code without deploying, mobile testing and plenty of other good stuff


Nice jQuery flip clock.
Justin Kimbrell
We use this as both a countdown clock and an in app timer to trigger events, nice API

Snazzy Maps

Free styles for Google Maps.
We used it here: [^]

Hand drawn arrows

Designed by Freepix. Icon made by Freepik from
We used it here [^], and here, and also here [^]


A jQuery Plugin Providing Animated Progress Circles.
Tyler Longren

jQuery CSV

A jQuery CSV parser plugin.
Evan Plaice

jQuery Custom Scrollbar

jQuery custom content scroller.
Manos Malihutsakis


a jQuery plugin to create multifunctional floating panels.
Stefan Sträßer


The JavaScript library for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery.
Lebedev Konstantin

Swinging Text

A CSS animation that swings some text.
Mladen Stanojevic
We used it here: [^]


Color palette combination contrast tester.
Brent Jackson

Modular Scale

Fonts – this calculator makes a set of numbers called a modular scale, which you use like a ruler.
Tim Brown and Scott Kellum

Bootstrap Switch

Turn checkboxes and radio buttons in toggle switches.
Mattia Larentis and Emanuele Marchi

Cookie Consent

The most popular solution to the EU Cookie Law.

Let’s Encrypt

Let’s Encrypt is a new Certificate Authority: It’s free, automated, and open.
Let's Encrypt

Lets Encrypt Site Extension

Easy Installation and configuration of Lets Encrypt for Azure Web App Sites – many thanks also to Simon for all his help.
Simon J.K. Pedersen

We have more to add to the list above so check back if you want to keep up to date

If we have left you out or you want you're listing changed, fill out the form below and we'll be happy to oblige

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